Blog parado por tempo indeterminado

Blog Connectbrazil closed indefinitely.

No doubt this is a sad day for me to have to stop blogging, and now those who know me well know that. 6 Years dedicated to him and logical, I do not regret every second or hours spent in front of computer writing. When I start to Connetcbrazil I hope you had some people would read it, but I never imagined it could be many. For those who wonder if this is the end of the blog, the answer is no, but I can not answer when I intend to reactivate it, the only thing I hope is that at some point I can return. 

But why stop something you love so much, okay? It is the simple fact that we all go through tough times in life, and no detail here, is one of those moments in which I find myself today. Often, my discouragement and trouble has taken me joy, and will mainly focus on writing, so not fair to myself and especially with the readers I do like this blog, kind of poorly done, the prey or just out of obligation. I need some time for me now, fighting cons problems, maybe go back to school, take other paths. And here in this melancholy moment, I must mention here even without naming names, the partners of the blog and all those who always support on Twitter and Facebook and mostly every player who passes by here often to read, comment and make their criticisms . 

  To all of you my heartfelt thanks very much. For those who want to continue keeping contact notice that Facebook and Twitter remained active, both accessed less frequently but you will continue talking, commenting, and doing many reviews. I do not feel one bit happy at the moment to make this decision to stop the blog, but I hope it's just another bad time in my life and you can spend in the future. Would have much more to say here, but since writing this text so far, has been very difficult, so I can only end it with a single word that I will never tire of repeating myself: THANK YOU to everyone for giving me having a blog with a magnitude that actually would have ever imagined .....

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